Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2022

strawberries and oranges
Photo by Trang Doan on

To God be the glory – great things he has done!

So loved he the world that he gave us his Son,

who yielded his life an atonement for sin,

and opened the life-gate that all may go in.

#550 MBW

We lift up our hearts to you.

We assemble here celebrating the joys of human life, shared one with the other. We recall the ministry of Jesus, crucified and raised up for our salvation, still present among us through the mystery of the Holy Spirit.
We praise you for new life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Confessing that we have strayed from your holy will, we humbly acknowledge our sins before you.

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned in many ways, times, and places. We have mishandled this good earth entrusted to our care, and we have misused our personal gifts, hurting both ourselves and others. Forgive our false pride which hides our negligence and forgive our careless acts which destroy your handiwork. In your mercy correct our faults and restore us to responsible, compassionate living.

Hear and know that the Lord is good. God forgives those who are contrite in heart. Live in peace,for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

Inspire us, God of mercy, to be thankful for what we have received.

Let our lives resound with the wonder and beauty of all that God has been creating from the beginning. As caretakers of creation, may we learn anew to enjoy the land, preserve the water, respect all living creatures, and meditate upon the grandeur of open sky and sea.
Teach us, God of creation, to walk the earth with gratitude and wisdom.
Let our eyes be opened to the needs of all people, especially the poor.
Move us, God of justice, to share what we have and to be just and merciful in our nation and the world.
Let us hear God’s call to the urgent tasks of our time: studies to pursue, projects to begin, communities to build, individuals to support, damages to restore.
Use us, God of the covenant — use our time, our talent, our treasure.

We thank you for our place in the church.

The Spirit of the Lord fills this house. God delights in its beauty, and sings through the music of the faithful. God speaks by the reading and proclamation of the word, stirs in the waters of baptism, nourishes through the gifts of bread and wine. God hears the prayers of the people and rejoices in our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.We thank you for your presence and power among us.
The Lord gathers us into the fellowship of this congregation. Here we share our spiritual gifts and employ them to build up the body. Some of us teach and proclaim, some shepherd and heal, some lead and administer, some serve, prophesy, and evangelize. All of us dwell in God’s love, and all pray for one another in the peace of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We offer our gifts to honor your holy name and to strengthen one another in faith.

God calls us to commit our financial resources to the building of the kingdom, to tithe, and to give generously of our wealth in proportion to the blessings we have received.
Search our hearts and try our ways that we might give to your glory, O God.
Jesus leads us onward in the high mission of the church. We proclaim the gospel to all nations by word and deed, that people everywhere may find new life in God.
We hear your call. We pledge the best of our labors that your glory may be known in all the earth.
Let us now rise to serve God. Let us renew our commitment to Christ’s call for servanthood,obedience, and sacrifice to establish a world of justice, prosperity, and peace.
We rise as one to love and serve the Lord!

May the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts

May the deeds of our hands and the action of our lives

Be pleasing in your sight, O God our Creator.

Through Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit,

One God of all, world without end.


Watch word of the week
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Genesis 18:14

Today,s Watchword
Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.
Psalm 141:3

Doctrinal Text
Let no evil talk come out from your mouths, but only what is useful for building up as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29

Prayer for Today
God, help us to control our tongues! Our human error allows us to spit harsh words in emotional moments, only to regret them within a few minutes. Bind our tongues and teach us to think before we speak. Amen

February 2025