The Grace Moravian Church Steel Ensemble, located in Springfield Gardens, Queens, New York is a musical component of the Youth Ministry. The Ensemble was organized in October 1998 through the inspiration of the then Pastor, Rev Abzal Sahadath.
The band which currently consists of ten members, was formed so that these youngsters could use these steel pan instruments to positively reach out to others, both young and old, while showcasing the myriad of talent that they possess. With their instruments, the members provide great Christian witness while also stimulating their continued growth in personal faith and public worship. Being a band member also affords all members the opportunity to develop their musical talents while laying a foundation that will provide the impetus for future service to the wider church and community.
The Steel Ensemble is cognizant of the church’s mission – to reach out to all people both locally and globally. Over the past years, they have delivered their musical messages in many churches as well as at various functions sponsored by community organizations. Their musical messages can also be heard in the CDs that they have produced.