Sixth Sunday of Easter 2023

bouquet of white roses on table
Photo by Lukas on

O wonderful redemption!
The price for sin is paid,
salvation is accomplished,
my heart is unafraid,
for God has raised Christ Jesus
to show the work was done;
his glorious resurrection
declared the vict’ry won!

Creator God, as we gather on this day set aside to honor the mothers and maternal figures in our lives, we turn first to you in praise and adoration for your merciful kindness and your steadfast love for us and all creation. Open our hearts and make us ready to stand firm in the faith thatleads to loving service. Fill us with your love this day, so that by our obedience to you, others may know of your love for them. Hear us O Lord, our Lord.

Prayer of Confession

Lord of abiding love and infinite patience, we have come from times of stress, ongoing difficulties, as well as situations of hope and joy. In your mercy hear us as. We confess that we have not thought enough about you this past week, and we have let events and demands crowd you out of our thoughts and our actions.

Yet, as we come to this time of worship, we bow before you once more and seek your forgiveness for our blindness and indifference. Merciful Lord, turn our lives around and help us to acknowledge the many ways in which you bless and care for us, our families, and your world. Hear us, we pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

Assurance of Pardon

Children of God, even though we are a stubborn people, God still absolutely loves and forgives us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Hallelujah!

Litany for Mothers

God of compassion, whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary, shared the life of a home in Nazareth, and drew the whole human family to himself. Strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and sorrow we may know the power of your presence to bring together, build, and heal. We thank you today for the gift of mothers and mothering across the world.

Isaiah also wrote that God will never forget us and that he knows each one of us just as a mother knows her own children.(Isa. 49:15) Gentle, patient God thank you for your tender care.

David wrote that in God’s presence he was quiet and at peace, trusting his God like a child safe in its mothers’ arms.(Ps. 131:2) Gentle, patient God thank you for your tender care.

Jesus spoke of himself as a mother,longing to wrap his arms around us like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.(Matt. 23:37) Gentle patient God thank you for your tender care.

Lord God, we pray for mothers everywhere. Like Samuel’s mother, may we have wisdom to know how to protect our children and keep them from harm. Like Naomi, may we be able to turn hard situations into good. Like Lois and Eunice, may we be ready to share the love of Christ with all those with whom we come in contact, knowing that everyone is made in the image of God and held in his power and care. Heavenly Father bless us with your love.

O Lord, we beseech you to hear us as we pray.
For older mothers whose children are grown.
Grant them joy and satisfaction for a job well done.
For new mothers experiencing changes they could not predict.
Grant them rest and peace as they trust you for the future.
For pregnant women who will soon give birth.
Grant them patience and good counsel in the coming months.
For mothers who face the demands of single parenthood.
Grant them strength and wisdom.
For mothers who enjoy financial abundance.
Grant them time to share with their families.
For step-mothers and adoptive mothers.
Grant them patience, understanding, and love.
For mothers who are separated from their children.
Grant them faith and hope.
For moms in marriages that are in crisis.
Grant them support and insight.
For moms who are grieving the loss of their children.
Grant them comfort in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For mothers who aborted their children.
Grant them healing, peace, and the assurance of your love.
For mothers who gave up their children for adoption.
Grant them peace and confidence as they trust in your providence.
For girls and women who are thinking about becoming mothers some day.
Grant them wisdom, discernment, and patience.
For all those who are grieving the loss of their mother in the past year.
Grant them comfort and hope in Christ’s resurrection.

Lord, we acknowledge today that we have received the inheritance of a powerful spiritual legacy of Christian motherhood, from many of the maternal figures who have touched our lives. We acknowledge too that, by the sweat of their brows and the labor of their hands and minds, they have fed their families and nurtured countless generations.

Merciful Savior ever guide us so that, because of our love for you and each other, generations yet unborn will rise up and call our mothers blessed and honor them through the ages

Lord, we thank you for the many examples of faithful mothers and women in scripture, like Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Dorcas, and Lois. Hear now the names of other women who have inspired us by their faithfulness to God

Watchword for the Week

Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise.
Psalm 66:1,2

Today’s Watchword

Daniel said, “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths so that they could not hurt me.”
Daniel 6:22

Doctrinal Text

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. No one will snatch them out of my hand.”
John 10, 27, 28


Thank you, Lord, for protecting us when we are attacked by our enemies. We hear your voice,Lord, and follow you to eat in green pastures and drink beside the still waters. You are good and kind, the Lion of Judah, and nothing can hurt us because you are our defender. May it be that peace fills our lives and overflows to others around us. AMEN.

Statement of Purpose

“By the grace of God to make disciples of all people, both local and global.To enhance the deeper experiences with our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible Study, witnessing and the worship hour.

Congregation Watchword for the Year

If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

July 2024