Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany February 7th – 12th

Watchword for the Week

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. Psalm 147:5

Watchword for the Day

I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation that did not call on my name. Isaiah 65:1

Doctrinal Text

Then the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come
in, so that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23
Prayer: Spirit of action, help us to hear your call and respond with ‘Here I am.” Guide and
inspire us to go out and invite others into your loving presence. Amen.


The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace;


Holy One, you speak to us in silence, yet all languages interpret you. Because you call us into this community, we are able to become a gift to one another. We pray for your Holy Spirit to descend upon us and upon these gifts of bread and wine, that in sharing them we may discern
your presence which becomes our life. We thank you for your anointed one, Jesus, who through his life, crucifixion, death and resurrection lived fully the promise of redemptive wholeness that is available to all who would obey your creating will. We celebrate his gifts, we rejoice in your
presence, loving God, now and always.

Congregation Watchword for the Year

The Lord will bless his people with peace. Psalm 29:11