Day of Pentecost 2021

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me:

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Spirit of holiness, we confess that we are a sinful people. In thought, word, and deed, we quench the fire of your love and dissipate the power of your presence. You long to restore us to the image of God; but we let it tarnish as we nurse selfish attitudes. You nurture unity, but we sow discord. You come to make our bodies your temples, but we desecrate them. We dishonor your good intentions for us. Forgive us, merciful Spirit. Burn away our impurities, and forge us into renewed and useful instruments in your service. Amen.

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

We believe God’s promise in these last days: I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Upon both men and women in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall speak my message.

The Spirit of God dwells in us if we belong to Christ. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ

When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we receive power, and we become God’s witnesses.
The fruit that the Spirit brings to the lives of those who follow Christ is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

grayscale photography of people raising hands

Lift up you hands, lets us praise him

The diverse and empowering gifts of the Spirit are given to each one for the common good. None of us is useless to God. None of us is sufficient by ourselves. We serve through the body of Christ, and we depend on the people of Christ.

The Spirit’s gifts are given to equip believers for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.

Come, heavenly Dove, and alight upon us. Anoint us to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release, recovery, and freedom to those in need.

Empower us to work for God’s kingdom in such a way that life becomes a Jubilee, for us and for all people.

Lift up the lonely, the neglected, the outcast. Comfort the grieving. Restore the lost. Be the advocate of the afflicted.

Teach all your people. Remind us of Jesus, and lead us into all the truth. Form us in the likeness of Christ, that we may glorify God’s name.
Renew your church.

Fill stagnant and empty lives with the breath of God. Overcome our apathy, and energize us with your engaging presence. Give your church new vision, new hope, and a driving desire to claim the promise of new birth.

Spirit of power, work in all who confess the risen Christ to spread your message of hope, love,
and salvation to every person and nation.

Hasten the day when every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Watchword for the Week

O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all. Psalm 104:24

Daily Watchword

I praised and honored the one who lives forever. For his sovereignty is an everlasting sovereignty, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation. Daniel 4:34

Doctrinal Text

This spirit God poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:6-7

Prayer for Today

Eternal God, thank you for sending us your spirit. Help us to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow your will. Walk with us now and always, fill our hearts with your grace, and protect us from the evils in the world. You are our only hope, our only salvation, for you alone can create and destroy. Be with us today. Amen